Top Quality | Fanatical Support | Competitive Prices

Global Certifications

We hold all relevant certifications in quality, manufacturing standards, management, environmental protection and other areas. Please feel free to ask about your particular requirements.

Cutting-edge Automation

Our facilities are equipped with the latest manufacturing technology. Most of our production lines are fully automatic. This helps us deliver the best quality faster, while minimizing production errors.

Quality First

In one word “Quality” is the reason for our success. We follow strict quality control processes at every step of the production process. We value the trust our customers have put in us over the years.

Fanatical support

The often overlooked area of customer support is where we shine the brightest. We help our customers focus on their core business, taking away all the hassles of manufacturing and supply chain-management.

About US

Celebrating 22 glorious years : 2001- 2023
Our mission statement "Promise less, deliver more"

Founded in October 2001 as a small PCB manufacturing business, we have grown to become a one-stop shop for all electronics manufacturing needs. Over the years, we have constantly improved our skills and services.

Today, Electronics Ware is a leading PCB manufacturer in the greater China region. We also have a significant share in the PCB assembling & contract manufacturing market of electronic goods. We provide end-to-end solutions to some of the biggest names in the electronics industry.

From our headquaters in Hong Kong we deliver our products to customers accross the world. Our state of art manufacturing facilities are located in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Guangzhou, helping us provide the best quality at highly competitive prices.

  • North America
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America & Africa


Every great business is built on friendship - JC Penney

Special Offer

To cater to an ever growing engineering community, we are offering new services specially tailored to meet your design needs.
Order now and enjoy additional discount on your first order!

PCB Sample Prototypes - Small batch, production quality, fast delivery (3 days North America, 4 days rest of the world)

Fully Assembled Prototypes - SMT & Through hole, small batch, high-quality, low price, no minimum quantity

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